A Boy Named Beckoning: The True Story of Dr. Carlos Montezuma, Native American Hero


ISBN: 9780822576440
Dewey: B
LCC Number: E99.Y5
Author: Gina Capaldi
Pages: 32
Age Group:


At the end of his career| Dr. Carlos Montezuma tells his life story in the form of a letter that the author has pieced together from his writings: As young Wassaja| he was kidnapped from his Yavapai tribe by the Pima| a long time enemy of his people. They sold him as a slave and in 1871 he was purchased by Mr. Gentile| an Italian who actually made his living with an early camera. Together they traveled the nation| taking pictures all the way. Wassaja| now renamed Carlos| eventually enrolled in school in Chicago where he thrived despite difficult circumstances| eventually graduating from the University of Illinois| and Chicago Medical School. He devoted his life to lobbying on behalf of his people. The illustrator is a multi-media artist| and she has skillfully integrated her own paintings with Mr. Gentiles photographs of Carlos to give us a fascinating view of another era.

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