A Guide to the Indian Tribes of the Pacific Northwest


ISBN: 9780806140247
Dewey: 979.501
LCC Number: E78.N77
Author: Robert H Ruby
Illustrator: John A Brown
Pages: 464
Age Group:


The Native peoples of the Pacific Northwest inhabit a vast region extending from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean| and from California to British Columbia.
For more than two decades| “A Guide to the Indian Tribes of the Pacific Northwest “has served as a standard reference on these diverse peoples.
Now| in the wake of renewed tribal self-determination| this revised edition reflects the many recent political| economic| and cultural developments shaping these Native communities.
From such well-known tribes as the Nez Perces and Cayuses to lesser-known bands previously presumed “extinct|” this guide offers detailed descriptions| in alphabetical order| of 150 Pacific Northwest tribes.
Each entry provides information on the his| location| demographics| and cultural traditions of the particular tribe.
Among the new features offered here are an expanded selection of photographs| updated reading lists| and a revised pronunciation guide.
While continuing to provide succinct histories of each tribe| the volume now also covers such contemporary–and sometimes controversial–issues as Indian gaming and NAGPRA.
With its emphasis on Native voices and tribal revitalization| this new edition of the” Guide to the Indian Tribes of the Pacific Northwest” is certain to be a definitive reference for many years to come.

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