Indian Nations


ISBN: 9780944092927
Dewey: 978.00497
LCC Number: E78.W5
Author: Danny Lyon
Pages: 108
Age Group:


Danny Lyon has again taken his camera to an America unknown to most of us, and by doing so he has again helped define who we are. Spending four years visiting the Sioux, Apache, and Western tribes, he has returned with haunting pictures of the plains and desert, and portraits that are both very real, and very romantic. This is Danny Lyon’s first major serial documentary since Conversations with the Dead. It is a form that he pioneered and that he is a master of. The pictures and captions lead us through the roundup and containment of the first Americans on the reservations where they reside today. The work captures a people and a sad beauty that is at the core of our history and our country. The introduction is by Pulitzer prize winner Larry McMurtry. (All royalties from Indian Nations will be used to establish a photography program at the Native American Preparatory School in Rowe, New Mexico)

Additional information

Weight 2.92 lbs
Dimensions 12.32 × 10.3 × 0.82 in
Binding Type


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