Keewaydinoquay, Stories from My Youth


ISBN: 9780472069200
Dewey: B
LCC Number: E99.C6
Author: Lee Boisvert
Pages: 168
Age Group:


Keewaydinoquay, Stories from My Youth shares the life accounts, told in her own words, of the growing-up years of a woman from Michigan of mixed blood – both Indian and white. These warm and graceful stories begin with the author’s earliest childhood, and they shed a rare light on the living conditions of Native Americans in Michigan in the early 1900s. They recount Keewaydinoquay’s education in the public schools, illuminate the role Christianity played in traditional Native American culture, and reveal the importance of maintaining Native American customs. Keewaydinoquay was one of the very few Native American women who learned the traditional ways of her people, became educated, and combined both native folkways, and her university education to teach people the importance of nature and the human spirit. The stories are gathered from journals, papers for college, transcribed materials, and oral chronicles collected over the last three decades.

Additional information

Weight 0.6 lbs
Dimensions 8.98 × 6.2 × 0.55 in
Binding Type


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