Woodcraft & Indian Lore


ISBN: 9780486493084
Dewey: 796.5
LCC Number: SK601
Author: Ernest Thompson Seton
Pages: 309
Age Group:


Naturalist and artist Ernest Thompson Seton was a founding pioneer of the Boy Scouts of America who introduced many elements of Native American lore to scouting rituals.
In this comprehensive collection of his most interesting stories, crafts, games, and other activities related to outdoor life, Seton offers a respectful and informative tribute to Native American culture.
More than 500 of his drawings illustrate this practical guide for campers of all ages.
In addition to briefly outlining the principles of scouting, Seton discusses Indian customs and laws as well as songs, dances, and ceremonies.
He suggests both indoor and outdoor activities and provides a wealth of information on Indian sign language and games, campfire tales, forestry, and many other captivating facts and fancies.

Additional information

Weight 0.68 lbs
Dimensions 5.36 × 7.98 × 0.64 in
Binding Type


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