I started reading this book not knowing much about Patricia Locke’s life| and ended it with a sense of having had a great introduction to her family and personal background| and how that fueled her life’s goals and her sense of responsibility in bringing justice to American Indians and others who have been denied full equality in society and under the law. The book also does a nice job of providing insight from the people who knew her in her different roles| as a mother and grandmother| as an activist| as a friend| as an author| and how| for her| all these different aspects were at once focused and integrated. Finally| the book provides a great summary of Patricia Locke’s triumphs in getting laws and policies changed| and in the building of institutions| such as colleges on Indian reservations| with curricula that reflect the importance of American Indian culture and values. The introduction cautions readers that it is likely that people who knew Patricia Locke well will find “Compassionate Woman” incomplete. I suspect it is. After knowing what I know from this first attempt to paint a portrait of a great individual| it will take many willing to step forward and do the work of capturing such a rich persona. This book opens the door for others to offer their insights into the life of someone who has left an indelible imprint on the world.
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