Native Pragmatism:Rethinking the Roots of American Philosophy


ISBN: 9780253215192
Dewey: 144.3
LCC Number: B944.P72
Author: Scott L Pratt
Pages: 316
Age Group:


Pragmatism is America s most distinctive philosophy. Generally it has been understood as a development of European thought in response to the “American wilderness.” A closer examination, however, reveals that the roots and central commitments of pragmatism are indigenous to North America. Native Pragmatism recovers this history and thus provides the means to re-conceive the scope and potential of American philosophy. Pragmatism has been at best only partially understood by those who focus on its European antecedents. This book casts new light on pragmatism s complex origins and demands a rethinking of African American and feminist thought in the context of the American philosophical tradition. Scott L. Pratt demonstrates that pragmatism and its development involved the work of many thinkers previously overlooked in the history of philosophy.”

Additional information

Weight 1.05 lbs
Dimensions 9.16 × 6.06 × 0.84 in
Binding Type


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