Stories from Legend Singer: A Selection of Native American Legends as Told by the Elders


ISBN: 9781505600056
LCC Number:
Author: Jenny Ray|Jenny Ray
Illustrator: Kurt E O'Donnell
Pages: 160
Age Group:

SKU: 9781505600056 Categories: , Tags: ,


During the search for her roots, this mixed blood woman, discovered profound teachings in many Native American legends. Jenny Ray introduces us to each storyteller, with blunt, yet humorous descriptions of real people, not the false romantic Hollywood version of the American Indian. Sharing her experience of sitting by the camp fire, listening to the great-grand-nephew of Chief Joseph, reminds us that our past history is more recent than we think! She brings to life, the voices of these Wisdom Keepers, with respect, but not the blind folk-hero worship that distorts the intelligence of these true Americans. The animal characters in many of these stories express the spiritual lessons and moral values that most people seek to attain. At first glance the stories might seem childlike in their innocence, but the deeper truths of how to walk in harmony with our Creator invites you to explore the elegance of a Shamanic philosophy. The threads of many spiritual practices are tied together in the powerful truths of these stories. You can feel the multifaceted perspectives of elders who teach the traditions of their people, while honoring the new Christian religions that blend with their contemporary culture. As you read the legends your ears are filled with the songs of each animal. On one Journey to the underworld, you know you have shrunk to the size of an ant as you see the rooted-ones hanging overhead. Yet it is just a story! We experience the creative imagery found only in the descriptive words and sounds of a story. We are transported to the realm of make-believe in a flash and come back knowing we found an answer to some unasked question. Is the concept of world peace a hopeless goal or could we achieve that impossible dream by applying the foundation truths of our Native American ancestors? The ‘Stories from Legend Singer’ can open hearts once closed to imagination, dreams, and visions by the modern logical society. Imagine how it felt to be instructed by Eagle, as the first one to make a Talking Feather, and what those ancient communication skills could do for our modern world. You are invited to this celebration of Native wisdom, and asked to help carry it, to the next generation in the oral traditions of the First Nation People.

Additional information

Weight 0.42 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 0.34 in
Binding Type


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