The North American Indian


ISBN: 9781479156597
Dewey: 970.00497
LCC Number:
Author: Frederick Webb Hodge Edward S Curtis
Pages: 240
Age Group:


It has been the aim to picture all features of the Indian life and environment-types of the young and the old, with their habitations, industries, ceremonies, games, and everyday custoMs. Rather than being designed for mere embellishment, the photographs are each an illustration of an Indian character or of some vital phase in his existence.
Yet the fact that the Indian and his surroundings lend themselves to artistic treatment has not been lost sight of, for in his country one may treat limitless subjects of an aesthetic character without in any way doing injustice to scientific accuracy or neglecting the homelier phases of aboriginal life.
Indeed, in a work of this sort, to overlook those marvellous touches that Nature has given to the Indian country, and for the origin of which the native ever has a wonder-tale to relate, would be to neglect a most important chapter in the story of an environment that made the Indian much of what he is.
Therefore, being directly from Nature, the accompanying pictures show what actually exists or has recently existed (for many of the subjects have[pg xiv] already passed forever), not what the artist in his studio may presume the Indian and his surroundings to be.
The task has not been an easy one, for although lightened at times by the readiness of the Indians to impart their knowledge, it more often required days and weeks of patient endeavor before my assistants and I succeeded in overcoming the deep-rooted superstition, conservatism, and secretiveness so characteristic of primitive people, who are ever loath to afford a glimpse of their inner life to those who are not of their own.
Once the confidence of the Indians gained, the way led gradually through the difficulties, but long and serious study was necessary before knowledge of the esoteric rites and ceremonies could be gleaned

Additional information

Weight 1.25 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 11 × 0.51 in
Binding Type


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