No Borders


ISBN: 9781927083079
Dewey: B
LCC Number: E99.E7
Author: Darla Enyagotailak Tessa MacIntosh Mindy Willett
Pages: 40
Age Group:


“No Borders” shares the life of Darla Evyagotailak, a 16-year-old Inuk girl.
Through Darla’s life, readers will get a glimpse into the intricately connected families of Inuit living in the communities of Kugluktuk, Nunavut and Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories.
Although recently divided by the border between the two territories the communities share a common ancestry and their language called Inuinnaqtun.
The border is invisible to them however, and as Darla’s grandfather tells her, “we are just like the caribou, they don’t see the border and neither do we.” In “No Borders,” Darla accompanies her grandmother and great grandparents on a journey which crosses the border between the community of her birth and the lands of her ancestors.

Additional information

Weight 0.59 lbs
Dimensions 8.38 × 8.27 × 0.39 in
Binding Type


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