Sitting Bull: Lakota Warrior and Defender of His People


ISBN: 9781419707315
Dewey: B
LCC Number: E99.D1
Author: S D Nelson
Pages: 20
Age Group:


Sitting Bull (c. 1831 1890) was one of the greatest Lakota/Sioux warriors and chiefs who ever lived. From Sitting Bull s childhood killing his first buffalo at age 10 to being named war chief to leading his people against the U.S. Army, “Sitting Bull: Lakota Warrior and Defender of His People” brings the story of the great chief to light. Sitting Bull was instrumental in the war against the invasive “wasichus” (white men) and was at the forefront of the combat, including the Battles of Killdeer Mountain and the Little Bighorn. He and Crazy Horse were the last Lakota/Sioux to surrender their people to the U.S. government and resort to living on a reservation.
The book includes an extensive author s note and timeline, historical photographs, a map, a bibliography, endnotes, and an index.”

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