Cycles of Conquest: The Impact of Spain, Mexico, and the United States on Indians of the Southwest, 1533-1960


ISBN: 9780816500215
Dewey: 979.00497
LCC Number: E78.S7
Author: Edward H Spicer
Pages: 609
Age Group:

The kind of interpretation attempted in this volume grew out of a search for answers to the following question: What are the chief ways in which Indians have responded to Western civilization and what has happened to their cultures as a result of contact? The present volume attempts to answer the questions in a broad way for the region as a whole| but with sufficient detail to provide a sense of concreteness regarding the experience of each of the major Indian groups.


Examines the effects of European expansion on the language| social structure| economy| religion| and self-image of Navajo| Yaqui| Papago| and other native American communities.

Additional information

Weight 1.89 lbs
Dimensions 9.32 × 6.11 × 1.43 in
Binding Type


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