The Treaties of Canada with the Indians of Manitoba and the North-West Territories Including the Negotiations on Which They Were Based, and


ISBN: 9781153723992
LCC Number:
Author: Alexander Morris
Pages: 146
Age Group:


Excerpt: …Bay Company, gave him a plough, but it was now broken. He had no cattle when he commenced, but he and his people drew the plough themselves, and made hoes of roots of trees. Mr. Christie also gave him a pit-saw and a grind-stone, and he was still using them. His heart was sore in spring when his children wanted to plough and had no implements. He asked for these as soon as possible, and referring to the Wesleyan mission at that place, he said by following what I have been taught it helps me a great deal. The Little Hunter, a leading Chief of the Plain Crees, said he was glad from his very heart; he felt in taking the Governor’s hand as if it was the Queen’s. When I hear her words that she is going to put this country to rights, it is the help of God that put it into her heart. He wished an everlasting grasp of her hand; he was thankful for the children who would prosper. All the children who were settling there, hoped that the Great Spirit would look down upon us as one. Other Chiefs expressed themselves similarly. Ken-oo-say-oo, or The Fish, was a Chippewayan or mountaineer, a small band of whom are in this region. They had no Chief, but at my request they had selected a Chief and presented the Fish to me. He said, speaking in Cree, that he thanked the Queen, and shook hands with me, he was glad for what had been done, and if he could have used his own tongue he would have said more. I then presented Sweet Grass his medal, uniform, and flag, the band playing “God Save the Queen” and all the Indians rising to their feet. The rest of the medals, flags, and uniforms, were distributed, as soon as possible, and Mr. Christie commenced to make the payments. On Sunday, the 10th, the Rev. Mr. McKay conducted the service for the police and others, who might attend, and in the afternoon the Rev. Mr. McDougall had a service in Cree; Bishop Grandin and the Rev. Mr. Scollen also had services for the Crees and Chippewayans. On Monday, the 11th, Mr. Christie…

Additional information

Weight 0.6 lbs
Dimensions 9.69 × 7.44 × 0.31 in
Binding Type


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